Author name: judyann dutcher

End of the Lane

I am easily swayed by what my fellow Goodreads group members read. I get daily updates of what my “book friends” want to read and what they have finished reading. When I see that at least two people have read a book, I become curious about it and often put it on my “to read” […]

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Parent Prompt

In Naviance (the school software to track students), parents have to (get to?) fill out a “brag sheet,” something that could be added to college applications if it were admissible. Here are the directions: Parent Letter Prompt: (This section is to be completed by your parent/guardian. They can either write directly in the space provided,

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Unsexy sex

I was first in line for 3 library audio-books but had nothing to listen to as I began the work week. I had listened to all of my podcasts and had nothing to listen to for the upcoming week of exercise and gardening. Off to to find a quick audio download. EL James’ Fifty

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A Novel in Rhyming Couplet

Love, Dishonor, Marry, Die, Cherish, Perish a novel by David Rakoff is a touching story written all in rhyming verse. I was curious how a novel could be told in a Seussical form. My only experience with long stories in rhyme are Dr. Seuss and snippets of Love, Dishonor that I had heard on This

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Map My Life

I take my phone with me when I exercise so I have my audiobook or my tunes to entertain me during my workout. Since I have my phone, I have cool apps to measure how far, how long, how high I go: I use Map My Walk and Map My Ride. On the rare days

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