Author name: judyann dutcher

Evison 2 for 1

Book Club chose Jonathan Evison’s All About Lulu which I got on Kindle. The book club member who recommended the book for us had just finished Evison’s The Revised Fundamentals of Caregiving and this was available in audiobook form (and I needed a new audio book) so I decided to do two books at the same […]

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On the couch for weeks at a time with back pain, I had a hard time concentrating on useful and relevant pursuits. Yes I had Netflix and Amazon Prime as well as audio books and printed books to entertain me but I couldn’t concentrate on quality content. I turned to commercial TV. I think it

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Daughter was preparing to apply for a scholarship offered by the NSA. This was something she was planning on doing for several months but of course managed to wait until the last minute to complete. The scholarship award is generous and part of the arrangement is for the recipient to work for the NSA 1.5x

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Dan Brown’s latest Robert Langdon tale, Inferno, is more of the same in the genre. The usual recipe is present: a bright, attractive female companion, a puzzle that leads the protagonists from location to location, an assassin in pursuit, and anunknown end. This is not fine literature but it is more time in the world

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Nutritional Yeast

I began the search for a new gravy recipe. I had used the same vegan recipe for 6 years and I was never happy with it. With the new key word of vegetarian gravy, I was allowed many more options than with the vegan key word. What I found was that most of the recipes

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