AU Quarantine day 7

We can’t go into the hallway although I have opened the door to peer into the hall even though I’m not even supposed to do that. The window is the an important connection to the real world during quarantine.

A view

Throughout the day, I aimlessly wander to the window and survey the world beyond my reach. I’m 16 floors up in a Sydney business district hotel. There are bits of sky I can see through the sky rise buildings. It’s been mostly gray, some rain, and yesterday it was brilliant blue.

Across the street, there is a rooftop garden and sadly I’ve not seen any one in it. It looks lovely and I would love to sit in it.

What’s outside

There is a cafe on the street and I think there’s a metro stop by it. I watch people sitting at the cafe eating together without masks. I love watching people walking to their buildings ready to start work. Business suits are for both men and women here.

I can see a little of 2 cross-streets with cars on the “wrong” side of the road. I look forward to crossing streets again! Buses, cars, people: it all seems exciting from up here.

The most interesting distraction from my window is my fellow inmates. At any time there are a dozen people at their window in various states of activity. Some are staring out, reading, eating, stretching, or exercising. Occasionally we wave to each other. The bottom 3 floors have windows that open (so jealous) and one day there were 3 young, fit, black men all in a row. They were probably a sports team. The post-it notes that other inmates create change periodically from day to day. Many post how many days they’ve been in quarantine or greetings to specific people. A favorite message was: “who needs pants?”

The hotel provided a band to play in the courtyard below us one night. We could hear the music well enough through our closed windows. People were at their windows dancing and happy.

This is the longest I’ve ever gone without sunshine or even being outside. What an unusual experience. I’m all for new experiences but I hope never to do this again.