AU Quarantine day 6

This was Sunday in AU and Saturday in CA so I had no work as diversion from the very long day that stretches out during quarantine. I buckled down and tried a stop-gap animation by using only Adobe products. Spoiler: this took 6+ hours for an 8-second video.

No background, no lighting, no tripod

These are items that are are critical for stop-gap animation. Because I had no tripod for a flat-lay shoot, the first challenge was to find a surface that I could lay my camera flat on with enough distance to shoot my pix. There weren’t many options so after 40 minutes of setting up possible locations I settled on using my desk as the “tripod.” Next was background. The carpet was too busy so I rummaged my clothes to find a my rumpled pajama coverup. The last challenge was lighting. Even with all lights in the room and the tiny ring light I brought for zoom, there wasn’t enough light. Ah, I have a desk lamp!

So the set up wasn’t great, but it was as good as I could get given my resources.

I’ve used Photoshop since 1996 and use other Adobe products in my profession. I thought I understood the general Adobe interface enough to think I could figure out Lightroom for this project. HA! I hand edited the images instead. I will be watching some training videos in the near future to understand this software. Then I animated with Adobe Rush. Although I’ve used Rush several times, it wasn’t enough experience to do what I wanted. I exported and uploaded to Instagram.

Not bad. I have a lot to learn but I have a lot of time right now.