AU quarantine day 3

I have a new appreciation for my pets’ behavior around being fed. They’re hungry, they know where the food comes from, and they alter their behavior in anticipation for food. I now have anticipation around food delivery.

Food delivery is during 2-hour windows: breakfast between 7:30-9:30am, lunch between 12:30-2:30pm, dinner between 5:30-7:30pm. They knock at the door, I’m supposed to wait a minute, wear a mask, and open the door to collect the bag of food. The heightened awareness of sound in the hallway in this time period is intense. Was that a sound? Did I hear a knock?

The knock comes and I feel like my dog Mango complete with wagging tail. Opening the bag is akin to opening a present: ooh what’s inside? We spread the food out on the floor in front of the window and have a picnic.

The food is edible on the most part and portions are generous. There were a couple dinners where the slab of meat was so large that I felt sorry for the animal and just couldn’t eat it. I do prefer veggies. I certainly don’t burn the consumed calories so I know I’ll gain some weight in these 2 weeks. Oh well.