AU quarantine day 2

Physical and mental health are taken seriously in this quarantine business. Besides needing a covid test 72 hours before the flight, all the travel safety precautions, and having a mandatory 2 week quarantine, we have regular covid tests. We got a call to inform us that a nurse would knock at the door and we would need to answer with our masks on. The nurses asked a plethora of questions and then performed the most painful covid test yet. Bleh.

Mental health is a real thing too. In the “welcome to quarantine” literature, there was a whole section on depression. We get daily calls asking us how we are feeling, if we have any concerns, and what’s on our minds. We’re reminded that there is a counselor available if needed.

In our breakfast bags, we get “daily challenge” sheets filled with sodoku, word finder, and maze puzzles. At the bottom of every sheet it says “call us anytime on 9 or dial reception. We’re here for you.” We got a “random acts of kindness” pamphlet with soothing colors and upbeat quotes.

Carry out a random act of kindness with no expectations of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.

Princess Diana

I think the previous year has prepared me for these 2 weeks. I coped with pandemic isolation by hiking but what do I do when even that is taken away from me? I have learned new ways to cope and tapped into that resilience that I started cultivating several years ago.

It’s not just one day at a time, it’s one hour at a time. How do I get through this hour with grace and sanity.