AU Quarantine day 1

After a day of doing nothing, I decided an aimless day was not going to work for me during quarantine. I do much better with structure.

I work 8am-noon M-F AU time (1-5pm CA time) and work any other client/business after noon but that leaves many hours in the day. Without being able to leave the room, I need to be creative and structured in how I approach the day.

Chunk time
– hour long activities

  • blog (here I am right now 🙂 )
  • stop motion education and practice
  • yoga
  • kindle book
  • audio book
  • gratitude project

Break time
– 5 minute activities

  • exercise band
  • color with pencils
  • read an AU book
  • puzzle game
  • meditation
  • 30-day ab challenge
  • stretch
  • braid hair in new configuration

I start the day with an hour of yoga. Not much space in the room but it’s the only real exercise I can do here. The bed is too soft so the yoga helps my body feel normal.

I attended a cool workshop at Adobe Max last October on stop motion animation and decided that I would embrace this creative endeavor while in quarantine.

At the top of the hour, I choose a 5-minute activity, then move on to an hour long activity. This moves me through the day with interesting things to keep me sane.

BF asked me if I wanted to do a 30-day abs challenge. Sure, why not? What else have I to do? I found one on Pinterest that will work nicely.

The 30-Day Ab Challenge For A Flat Tummy

The featured image above shows what I see from my window. People have used post-it notes to spell out messages. At any time, I’ll see people sitting in their window, eating, exercising, hanging up their laundry, or looking forlorn. Rear Window vibes.