AU Food

There are many food options here in the Central Business District. We have a passing verbalization about “hey let’s go eat,” take the elevator 34 floors down, and then we have a whole world of cuisine to choose. The first night, BF was attracted to the ducks hanging in a Chinese restaurant but the star of the show was a brocollini in sesame sauce. He swears there’s opium in it because we’ve been back twice to get more.


This lovely Avo toast was brunch yesterday in a cafe in the Italian district.

I don’t think I can list all of the cuisines because I can’t remember but here are some: Cantonese, Szechuan, Indian, Thai, Thai Fusion, Malaysian, Asian Fusion, South African, Italian, British, BBQ, Vietnamese, and Japanese. I know there are many more available that we have queued up for future meals including Korean, Greek, and Armenian.

There is a China Town district so there are infinite options there.

The food quality has been very good. I think only one meal was just OK. Once we couldn’t find any restaurant and had to eat at a Subway. Sigh, we survived 🙂

Even though I’m exercising now (yay!) I think I’m having a problem with my weight from all this yummy food!

The header image is the Yarra River where restaurants line the shores. It was a lovely Sunday afternoon walk.