Anita Blake

Guilty Pleasures (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #1) by Laurell K. Hamilton was recommended last spring when the last Sookie Stackhouse book was released. With no new Charlaine Harris vampire novels in the queue, we fanswere looking for something else in the genre and the Anita Blake series was an option. I resisted for a while

I wanted to like it, but it didn’t click. This was a book that showed up at Goodreads in my “based on the books you’ve read, you’ll like this one” list. The vampires were basically bad, there were too many weird creatures: were-rats, ghouls, zombies. all mixed together. There wasn’t much opportunity to connect with Anita Blake since the story was one crisis after the other.

I’m disappointed because all of the books in this series are available at the digital library so I could have the whole series for my listening pleasure. But I say “meh.”

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