Hi, my name is JudyAnn. I’m a This American Life addict. <Hi JudyAnn>
- On my e-reader: David Rakoff’s Half Empty
- On my i-pod: David Sedaris’s Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim
- Went to the Mike Birbiglia movie Sleepwalk with Me
- On this week’s Prairie Home Companion, Ira Glass was a guest
There was a Lives of the Cowboys skit where Glass plays a beef businessman who steals away Lefty’s girlfriend. Besides being successful, Glass has a 5-minute morning radio show where he reads the livestock report for the day. He gives a sample of his program which Evelyn describes as poetry
steers: $115-123; feeder cattle: $145-149; slaughter calves: steady; feeder lambs: steady
You get the point that he could be reading anything and he’d be enchanting. This is sort of the way his voice is to me too. So I follow anything I hear on This American Life: Rakoff, Sedaris, Birbiglia. Guess I’m just a Ira Glass Fangirl.
Do you think there’s a 12-step program for me?