Flip that Hair

It was raining so I couldn’t walk dogs, go for a bike ride, hike or do any of my walking routines. “Cardio Dance” was on the group fitness calendar for the club so I thought I would check it out.

I have a long history with group fitness classes, including regular old dance classes. I hadn’t been to a fitness class that was an 8-count music-based class in ages so I planned to stick to the back of the class and be as invisible as possible.

The first thing I noticed was that the class was FULL. A room full of women is not uncommon in the fitness world but there are men who go to spinning and yoga. The teacher was a very enthusiastic gay man who obviously loved what he did for a job. He took us through fun movements and built a dance routine along the way. As I looked around the class, the women were smiling and obviously having a good time. I don’t see smiles and enjoyment in spinning or yoga classes. Here was a room full of women moving and dancing with abandon. I think we were born to dance.

A friend said it was hard for her to come so early in the morning (9:30??) because she had to concentrate so much on the movements. It was the opposite for me in that this was one place I didn’t have to think, I just had to follow. My body knew how to follow directions to the music, no thinking was required.

After the energizing class, I stayed for an hour and half yoga class and followed that with a half hour bubble bath. Isn’t fitness also about how you take care of yourself after the workout?

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