52 things I love about you

Happy Valentine’s Day

  1. Confidence
  2. Success
  3. Generosity
  4. Adventure whore
  5. Side hugs
  6. Smushing
  7. Thic lips
  8. Goldilocks
  9. Morning cuddles
  10. How you plan a trip
  11. You like to wander
  12. You give great gifts
  13. Encourage my hobbies
  14. Don’t shame me for my interests
  15. Our history
  16. Both went to UCR
  17. Love of family
  18. Energy expenditure on maintaining friendship
  19. Text flirting
  20. Love for hiking
  21. Sharing your accounts with me
  22. How you treat my family
  23. Your humor
  24. How you stay connected while you’re traveling
  25. Your love of polka dots
  26. Curiosity of life
  27. Curiosity in people
  28. Designated driver
  29. Embracing cool jackets
  30. Playfulness
  31. Lizard mode
  32. You let me pose you
  33. Punctuality
  34. Patience with me
  35. Experience whore
  36. You do things because you know it will make me happy
  37. Thoughtfulness
  38. You think deeply about things
  39. Public displays of affection
  40. You create community
  41. Passionate about your interests
  42. Love for the outdoors
  43. So fucking smart
  44. You can fix things
  45. You eat fast
  46. Your H-index
  47. Outfitting my travel wardrobe
  48. Taking good care of me when I’m sick or injured
  49. Deep kisses
  50. Hand holding zones
  51. How we fit so well
  52. Blue eyes