50 Shades of Twilight

I was not planning on reading 50 Shades of Gray by EL James. I read that it was fan fiction from Twilight and the topic was bondage which I was not interested in. I’m not heavily into fan fiction so I could take or leave this book.

But it got SO much publicity! TV, online, an SNL spoof ad, podcast time. Every where I looked, I this book was getting air time. A co-worker said she read the first 2 books of the trilogy but said that by end of the second book, she didn’t need to know any more about the characters.

When a copy ended up in my hands, I decided I would join the masses and read the story. It was just a re-write of Twilight with BDSM as the substitute for vampire-ism. Every step of the way I would make the Twilight connection: oh she’s graduating from college rather than high school, Mia is Alice, male protagonist is adopted, and the comparisons went on and on.

I read the reviews at Amazon and genuinely laughed out loud. My favorite snippet:

According to my Kindle search function, characters roll their eyes 41 times, Ana bites her lip 35 times, Christian’s lips “quirk up” 16 times, Christian “cocks his head to one side” 17 times, characters “purse” their lips 15 times, and characters raise their eyebrows a whopping 50 times.”

It was a rather silly book. Guess the twi-moms wanted more sex for Edward and Bella so EL James just made it happen.

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