2014 Wrap-up

Where I have been and where I am going…


Past: 7 non-fiction books, 32 fiction. I like that escape thing. I did meet my 2014 goal of reading all Jane Austen novels. I understand the genre and have enjoyed parody books and movies about Austen.

Future: With 2 book clubs, friends giving me books, and the library, I’m ready to barge ahead into more reading adventures. My goal is 40 books this year.


mapmywalk2014Past: I spent the year trying to recover from my spine surgery, first by doing ANYthing I could, then increasing the types of activities, then increasing duration, then increasing strength. According to MapMyWalk stats, I still kicked butt in my workouts. I’m not sure I believe I burned 45K calories.

Future: More of everything but I don’t want to injure myself.


Past: I know I said I would finish Lost, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I got distracted by other series and fandoms. I wanted to go to more movies in 2014 so default, just by going to any movies, I met that goal. The Bridge was canceled. I joined my kids in the ranks of Whovians.

Future: I will continue to go to Arts and Lectures and hopefully more movies. I want to continue watching classic Dr. Who, Downton Abbey, Once, Big Bang Theory, Amy Schumer, House of Cards, Alpha House, and Orphan Black.


I have an adult child now. It’s awesome. I’m happy and privileged that I can get a peripheral glance at his adulthood because he’s on his way out the door and he won’t be looking back.

I always wonder if what I’m doing is right, if’s it’s enough. SATs and college applications will test my appropriate parenting boundaries.


Past: In last year’s wrap-up,  I noted that I didn’t see any travel in the future. And that was true for 2014. The furthest south traveled was when I traveled to San Diego, but that was for a funeral. The furthest north traveled was to Morro Bay.

Future: I see much more travel.


Past: There were no loquats this year. I did juicing for several months and started eating meat on a regular basis. The juicing and the meat seem to be on the opposite spectrum of food choices. It was a hard year for food.

Future: Since I am eating meat, I will have new culinary treats when dining out. I don’t intend on cooking with meat but we’ll see how that plays out.


I added Nick and Zuzu and Breaking Cat News to my daily lineup.



According to my WordPress stats, I made 105 posts with Tuesday being the most popular day. It looks like March was a hard month to focus on writing, with only 4 postings in the entire month. January 2015 marks the 3rd year of this blog.

And so it goes.


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